A Place For You.

Join us this Sunday morning at 9:30am for Bible Classes and 10:30am for worship services. We also meet Sunday afternoons at 5:00pm and Wednesdays at 7:00pm.

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Church Blog

Are You Preparing for Heaven

Everyone understands the practical importance of preparation. Before taking a long vacation we first take time to secure lodging, map the route, and pack every item necessary for a successful trip. We prepare for major decisions like marriage and childbirth. We prepare for major expenditures and investments like houses and retirement funds. Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” By and large everyone understands the truth of that statement as it pertains to major life…

The Debt We Owe the World

“Debt” is something that many people prefer not to think about. One recent study showed that the average American household with debt owes more than $104,000. Most who are in financial debt desire to be debt free, and understandably so. But there is a certain kind of debt that God’s people owe which we will never be able to fully repay. Paul spoke of it in Romans 1:14 when he said, “I am a debtor both to Greeks, and to…

The Importance of Thinking About Heaven

Every wonderful deed that was ever done was first conceived in the mind. There is a clear and obvious connection between the way we think and the way we act. In Proverbs 23:7 the wise man wrote, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he,” so we might ask, what should we be thinking about? Colossians 3:1-2 admonishes, If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand…

The Psalm of a Soul Winner

The book of Psalms expresses the deep emotions that servants of God have. There is something about poetry and singing which touch the souls of His people. Each of the psalms is different and has a special place in the various stages of our lives as we serve our Creator. Psalm 126 gives us great insight into the emotions each of us has as we seek to lead others to the Lord. It is truly the Psalm of the Soul…