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Join us this Sunday morning at 9:30am for Bible Classes and 10:30am for worship services. We also meet Sunday afternoons at 5:00pm and Wednesdays at 7:00pm.

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Church Blog

Remove Not the Ancient Landmarks (3)

The Old Testament forbad the moving of landmarks that had of old time been set. In principle, application can be made to the word of God. Proportionately as many prohibitions are found in the New Testament as In the Old. God has always forbidden setting aside of His word. Many did so under the Old Testament and were condemned. Many are doing so in the New Testament dispensation and are subject to like condemnation. 1. The Landmarks of the Gospel…

Remove Not the Ancient Landmarks (2)

1. Landmarks that Pertain to Christ Would Be Removed. The virgin birth of Christ, His divine Sonship, and even His resurrection from the dead have been called in question, as are also His miraculous works, by different individuals and organizations. Humanists, New Agers and other modernists would eliminate Christ entirely. Even some versions of the Bible seek to do so. The Old Testament of the Revised Standard Version (RSV), published in 1952, seeks to get rid of the virgin birth.…

Remove Not the Ancient Landmarks (1)

The evidences for the existence of God are so abundant that it is difficult to see how any sane, sensible, sincere person, honest with himself and the evidence available, cannot be convinced. The same is true with the Bible, the inspired word of God. It has been properly said, “Man would not have written the Bible if he could have, and could not have written it if he would have.” Both the Bible and nature clearly reveal the God of…

Reproductive Rights in the Church

The truths found in the Bible never become obsolete. They speak to us just as timely as they did to those who first read them. Truth simply does not change, and each of us has an obligation to ensure that our treasury of eternal truths is shared with others. This truth is so clearly stated in Paul’s epistle to Timothy, his son in the faith. “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to…