Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself
The statement, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” is part of an answer Jesus gave to an Old Testament scribe (lawyer) who came to entrap the Savior (Matt. 22:34-40). Such “lawyers,” as the one who would “tempt” Jesus, were expounders of the Mosaic code and considered themselves above others. In fact, to such a “lawyer” there were over sixhundred precepts in the law of Moses and a considerable number could not even be observed. So, those rabbis would make…
“Bid Me Come Unto Thee”
Over the course of a few short years the twelve men whom Jesus had chosen began to grow and mature into the material that God could, and would use to proclaim the gospel to a lost humanity. The more time they spent with Jesus, the stronger grew their faith. Their courage often amazes us; their weaknesses puzzle us. Consider the background of the request Peter made as expressed in the five words of the title of this article. The twelve…
Opening to Opportunity
When “opportunity knocks,” what is our reaction? Sometimes we are fearful. Sometimes we ignore it. Sometimes we do not even realize it is present. Unfortunately, opportunities do not always return when missed. Let us learn about opportunity from Paul’s statement to the Corinthians: But I will tarry in Ephesus until Pentecost. For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries (1 Cor. 16:8-9). The word “door” is often used as a metaphor for opportunity…
The Bible is a book that is filled with accounts of courageous men and women, people who faced down danger and death with lion-like boldness (Proverbs 28:1). Turning to our Old Testament we can read the story of Gideon, who had the courage to turn away from the false religion of his father. He threw down the altar of Baal and built an altar to the true and living God (Judges 6). We might also read of Esther, who had…
It’s Almost Half-Time (How’s Your Game Plan?)
It is a sobering fact. It’s almost half-time at our house, and I’m talking about something far bigger than any ball game. Greater even than the Super Bowl, I am speaking about what could be called the “Soul Bowl.” You see, half of the time my wife and I have with our children before they go off to college and start their own lives is just about gone! We’ve been blessed to have the “home field advantage” for a number…
Dealing with the Mistakes of 2024
One of the unseen blessings of memorizing Scripture is that doing this opens the door to our souls. Solomon showed this when he said that a man is what he thinks in his heart (Prov. 23:7). What is perhaps even more remarkable is that what we memorized when we were children is so much a part of what we are today. We all know about what happened to Jack and Jill, Little Miss Muffet and the Old Woman Who Lived…
An Eternal Crown
The football season is about to end. High school state champions for various size schools have been recognized. The colleges have crowned conference champions and will now play for the national title. This year there is the largest number of bowl games in history. In a few weeks there will be the crowning of the NFL Super Bowl winner. The awarding of trophies and crowns is not a recent practice. The victors in the ancient Olympic-like contests were awarded a…
Year In and Year Out
We do not have the option of lighting our light one moment and then putting it out at the moment we are ridiculed or persecuted. Our light must shine brightly – shine forth for the Lord year in and year out! The year 2024 is about to come to an end and the year 2025 will begin. It is traditional for people to gather together on New Year’s Eve to enjoy each other’s company and acknowledge the beginning of the…
As the End Approaches
When Paul wrote his epistle to the church at Rome, he reminded them of the urgency of being prepared for whatever was in their future. The Romans knew the times that lay before them (13:11), and Paul told them how to prepare. Their approaching trial may be different from one each of us faces—the end of our lives—but Paul’s words seem so applicable to what each of us must do as we see the end approaching. As the end approaches,…
Helps in Overcoming Pride
“God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time” (1 Peter 5:5-6). Since there are times when all of us suffer from sinful pride, what are some helps for overcoming it in our lives? Remember That God Hates Pride. The Bible makes that very clear in passages like Proverbs 6:16-17 and 8:13. And anything God hates should be as far removed as…
Feed Us!
For as long as I can remember, I have heard preachers sound the alarm about the sad state of preaching in many pulpits throughout the country. Johnny Ramsey would often talk about preachers who “didn’t preach enough Bible to fill a thimble.” I recall Andrew Connally lamenting an occasion on which he stepped into a pulpit for a gospel meeting and found a sermon outline book the local preacher had preached from the night before without any study or preparation…
A Faith Greater than the Faith of Martyrs?
The writer of Hebrews could so easily see the dangers faced by those Jewish Christians. The nation that killed God’s Son turned its wrath on the church almost from the day it began. Jesus had warned them about the trials that were coming. Obviously, they persecuted those Gentiles who had become followers of Jesus, but their persecution was even more fierce on the Christians addressed in this epistle. They had begun their walk with Jesus and faced many trials which…