A Place For You.

Join us this Sunday morning at 9:30am for Bible Classes and 10:30am for worship services. We also meet Sunday afternoons at 5:00pm and Wednesdays at 7:00pm.

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Church Blog

Bible Reasons for Christian Living

We live in a day and age when people are looking for reasons. That is good. Such an approach will cause one to act in a fashion that is intelligent. There are also cases where one may be told to do, or not do a thing. That person may respond by saying “Why?”. That is, they want to know the reason. If you take the time to look at your Bible, you will see some reasons outlined as to the…

Things Old and Things New

That transformation which occurs when one becomes a Christian is so remarkable. The apostle Paul emphasized this to those new Christians in Corinth. In his second letter to that church he spoke of all he was in Judaism before becoming a follower of Jesus. No one excelled his credentials, yet he gave it all up. He reminded them of this truth and then applied this transformation to all Christians. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old…

Relationships with Our Enemies

The existence of enemies is a painful reality of the faithful Christian life, but not one that should surprise us. Our Lord had enemies. The Jewish leaders, Judas, and, of course, Satan himself all opposed Him and sought His ultimate failure and demise. The world hated Jesus and because it hated Him, it hates His people. Jesus said, If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the…

Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself

The statement, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” is part of an answer Jesus gave to an Old Testament scribe (lawyer) who came to entrap the Savior (Matt. 22:34-40). Such “lawyers,” as the one who would “tempt” Jesus, were expounders of the Mosaic code and considered themselves above others. In fact, to such a “lawyer” there were over sixhundred precepts in the law of Moses and a considerable number could not even be observed. So, those rabbis would make…