Posts from September 2023

Posts from September 2023

“That’s Not in My Bible”

I once heard of a Christian having a Bible study with a friend about what one must do to be saved. He opened his Bible and urged the friend to read several passages which clearly revealed God’s plan of salvation. The friend’s reply was, “There are none of these verses in my Bible.” She went and got her Bible, and she was exactly right. She had literally cut out every one of the verses from her own Bible and thrown…

The Light of the World – Part 2

There are degrees of light. Long ago, the only light I had to hold gospel meetings was a pine knot (some city people do not know what that is; never saw one. It comes from a pine tree where the limb joins the trunk and is very rich. It burns like it was soaked with kerosene.) Then the gas jet was invented and gave more light. The electric light is still brighter, but nothing compares to the sun. Then there…

The Light of the World – Part 1

Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 5:14-16: “Ye are the light of the world … Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” He did not say, “shine your light,” but let it shine. There is a difference. (See Matt. 6:1.) This was a great declaration made by the Lord himself. The statement was addressed to lowly people, by the world’s standards. It should make all…

His Lesson About Eagles

The imagery God uses to describe His nature and the way He works on this earth is so remarkable. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus used the imagery of God’s careful attention to the lily of the field. His clothing of a lily whose “lifespan” is so brief is God’s assurance He will cloth us. In that sermon, He talked of God’s care for birds who make no provision like sowing and reaping, yet God is still so involved…