Posts by Needmore Road Church of Christ (Page 4)

Posts by Needmore Road Church of Christ (Page 4)

The Debt We Owe the World

“Debt” is something that many people prefer not to think about. One recent study showed that the average American household with debt owes more than $104,000. Most who are in financial debt desire to be debt free, and understandably so. But there is a certain kind of debt that God’s people owe which we will never be able to fully repay. Paul spoke of it in Romans 1:14 when he said, “I am a debtor both to Greeks, and to…

The Importance of Thinking About Heaven

Every wonderful deed that was ever done was first conceived in the mind. There is a clear and obvious connection between the way we think and the way we act. In Proverbs 23:7 the wise man wrote, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he,” so we might ask, what should we be thinking about? Colossians 3:1-2 admonishes, If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand…

The Psalm of a Soul Winner

The book of Psalms expresses the deep emotions that servants of God have. There is something about poetry and singing which touch the souls of His people. Each of the psalms is different and has a special place in the various stages of our lives as we serve our Creator. Psalm 126 gives us great insight into the emotions each of us has as we seek to lead others to the Lord. It is truly the Psalm of the Soul…

Your Final Act Before the Final

When Jesus foretold the time when not a single stone of that majestic temple in Jerusalem would rest upon another, the disciples asked for signs which would precede the destruction of that temple and the end of Judaism (Mark 13:4; Luke 21:7). The Lord gave at least eight distinct signs which would come before that event. He then foretold of another event which would happen for which there was one single sign to announce its coming. Jesus spoke of a…

On What Day Does the Bible Say The Resurrection Of Jesus Is To Be Remembered?

There is no scripture which authorizes a commemoration of the resurrection of Christ. Therefore, there is no “special day of the week” or “time of year” that it can be observed with a “thus saith the Lord.” In spite of this, most (if not all) denomina­tions celebrate the Lord’s resur­rec­tion in an annual observance called Easter. National news casts of both radio and television publicize this event as the most important day in the “Christian calendar.” If Easter is the…

There is Nothing in a Name

It is quite interesting to listen to the feeble attempts of men to justify those things for which they have no authority. After more than 45 years of preaching I have learned that once a person has decided to embark upon a certain course of action that is so blatantly opposed to the word of God, reason is thrown out the proverbial window. Some years ago Johnnie Ann and I were making multiple trips to Ukraine to help establish and…

Heaven Holds All to Me

“Heaven holds all to me, brighter its glory will be; joy without measure will be my treasure, Heaven holds all to me.” The words of the soul-stirring hymn written by the late brother Tillit S. Teddlie have thrilled the hearts of God’s people for decades. We often sing “Heaven holds all to me” but does it really? And, why? Do we want to go to Heaven more than anything else? Do we ever contemplate what that place will be like…

Parents, Affirm the Masculinity and Femininity of Your Kids!

The devil is trying to deceive you! And he is using the world—with its lusts, its pride, its alures, its lies, its shiny things, its “highly educated professionals,” its pressures, its “know better” celebrities, its “medical experts,” etc.—to convince you that right is wrong, that wrong is right, that up is down, that down is up, that feelings are safe, that absolute truth is non-existent, and that you are a fool to go against the tide of society. Just as…

An Empty Wagon Going Nowhere

[This was written in 2005, while Tom was engaged in missionary work in India] This past week has been a week of festivity in honor of the Hindu God. Worship services to that idol occur daily, extending into the late hours of the night during this week long festivity. It is sad to see such devotion to a false god. In contrast it is rewarding to see those who hear the truth and turn away from that false system of…

A Traveler’s Guide to Heaven

Accommodations: Arrangements for accommodations must be made in advance (John 14:2). Passports: Persons seeking entry will not be permitted entry without having proper credentials and having their names registered with the ruling Authority (Revelation 21:27). Departure Time: The exact date of departure has not been announced. Travelers are advised to be prepared to leave on short notice (Acts 1:7; 1 Corinthians 15:52). Tickets: Your ticket was purchased by a Friend named Jesus. It should be claimed by learning the gospel,…

What Kind of Man Are You?

A Washington Post article from February 9, 2016 reads, “Assault with a deadly weapon: Florida man charged with throwing alligator into Wendy’s.” If you are not yet familiar, let me introduce you to Florida Man. No, I’m not talking about myself. I’m referring to the phrase that seems to continuously pop up in news articles every other week. Each time you hear the phrase, “Florida man,” you know you are in for a story that is crazier than the last.…

Ten Incentives for Evangelism

A weary man trudged through the snow and ice to ring a doorbell. The man answering it responded with, “Why in the world are you out in this terrible weather trying to sell brushes?” The salesman replied, “Sir, my family must eat!” A person will do almost anything if he is motivated. Whether it’s selling brushes in the snow; climbing a mountain; lifting a car off a loved one; or obeying the commands of God, motivation is a prime mover.…