Remove Not the Ancient Landmarks (3)

Remove Not the Ancient Landmarks (3)

The Old Testament forbad the moving of landmarks that had of old time been set. In principle, application can be made to the word of God. Proportionately as many prohibitions are found in the New Testament as In the Old. God has always forbidden setting aside of His word. Many did so under the Old Testament and were condemned. Many are doing so in the New Testament dispensation and are subject to like condemnation.

1. The Landmarks of the Gospel are Removed. Just as some were not pleased to respond properly to God’s commands under the old dispensation, as Naaman in 2 Kings 5, so many are inclined to set aside God’s positive commands in the New Testament dispensation. For example, the form and design of baptism have been grossly perverted by the denominational world. The Scriptures clearly teach that one is to be “buried with the Lord in baptism,” (Romans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:12), from which one is raised to walk in newness of life. Now sprinkling and/or pouring water upon the head of a subject is being substituted for burial in water, in the likeness of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ (1 Cor. 15:1-4; Rom. 6:1-5,17-18).

Also, denominational preachers teach that baptism is not necessary to salvation, but necessary to obedience. However, it is a command of God and cannot be spurned with impunity (Acts 10:48; John 12:48; 1 John 5:3).

The subjects for baptism are made to include infants as well as responsible individuals. Acts 8:12 states: “But when they believed Phillip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.” Not an infant In the crowd! Infants cannot understand the gospel. They do not have the ability to believe and have no sins of which to repent. Fit subjects of baptism are required to be taught (Matt. 28:18-20); to believe In Christ (Mark 15:15-16); repent of sins (Luke 13:3; 24:47; Acts 17:30-31); and be baptized, immersed in water, for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38). None of these acts are required of Infants hence, to bind such upon them is to pervert the gospel of Christ, remove the landmark which the Holy Spirit has set.

Another landmark set aside is the operation of the Holy Spirit in conversion. A direct, immediate, operation of the Spirit upon the heart of a sinner, apart from the word of God has long been a claim of denominationalists who are averse to God’s commands, and a miraculous conversion is expected. There are many inconsistencies in these claims, which will not be treated here.

2. The Landmarks of Worship Are Corrupted. The Apostle Paul states in Second Corinthians 11:3: “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” The Lord’s day is ignored by many and the Lord’s supper is removed. In reference to this a word peculiar to Christ is used, which never refers to any other person. It is the Greek kuriakos. In First Corinthians 11:20 “Lord’s supper” is translated from kuriakon deipnon, and the “Lord’s day” in Revelation 1:10 from kuriake hemera. Therefore, the first day of the week and the Lord’s supper to be observed on that day belong to the Lord.

The time and proper method of observing the supper are set forth in Scripture. Acts 20:7 sets the first day of the week as the proper time. First Corinthians 11:20-33 regulates the proper conduct in its observance. The sectarian world at large has set aside these requirements. Some observe it annually. Others partake of it quarterly, or once a month. In recent years some brethren have joined those in error in observing the supper on Thursday nights. Other abuses could be listed, but these suffice to show that “the landmarks have been removed.”

Mechanical instruments of music in worship have been added. Such was never authorized or practiced by any in the first century church, and for centuries after that. There is no New Testament example or precept for such practice. As a matter of fact, God never instituted it in the Old Testament. It was introduced by David (Amos 6:5; 1 Chron. 23:5; 2 Chron. 29:26). God never authorized a king, either, but for awhile tolerated one. Hosea 13:11 says: “I gave them a king in mine anger, and took him away in my wrath.” So do not get the idea it was God that first authorized instruments of music even in the Old Testament. God did tolerate some things in the Old that He does not in the New Testament. Yet in the last century AD., the Lord’s church was sadly divided over the introduction of mechanical instruments of music into the worship. Even in the last two years some brethren of the church of Christ have met “in the plains of Ono” in compromise with the digressive churches. Some have said that they would not bring the instrument into the worship of churches of Christ, but will not oppose it if it were done. The Lord said we should “worship in spirit and In truth” (John 4:24). This includes the right attitude and the proper manner, strictly in harmony with New Testament authority. Some are guilty of violating both conditions. (To be continued).


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