Posts by Needmore Road Church of Christ (Page 10)
Drifting Along
We live in an unstable age in many ways. The radicalism of some and the modernism of others has created such divergence and division, each in its own way, that a vast majority of people find themselves drifting somewhere in the sea between the two extremes. That they have chosen to avoid the extremes is important. They recognize the error of abandoning divine authority (Mt. 16:19; Col. 3:17), and they shrink at the possibility of reacting to the other extreme…
God Waited Two Years Before He Answered Prayers
If there is any truth affirmed in the Bible, one of those truths must be this one—God answers our prayers. Before Jesus left the earth He told His disciples, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you” (John 16:23). The apostle John heard Jesus say these words, obviously practiced them and years later affirmed, “Whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things…
The Church at the Beginning of the 21st Century
Now that we have stepped into the twenty-first century, we need to realize that indeed, as far as the church is concerned, we are entering a time in which the church is facing challenges never experienced before in the lifetime of any who now are living. We have come to a point where the majority within the church has never experienced the conviction, mindset, and enthusiasm for work that was recognized in the first half plus of the twentieth century.…
The Lord’s Church Has No Identity Crisis
The headline of the Christian Chronicle, March 2007, reads, “Churches face identity crisis.” The reason for this is identified in a quote from David Duncan, pulpit minister for the Memorial church in Houston which relays that in the past Churches of Christ were distinguished by belief in church autonomy, baptism for forgiveness of sins, weekly Lord’s Supper on Sunday, public male leadership, plurality of elders and acappela singing; then brother Duncan is quoted, “Now, some congregations have given up most,…
For Such a Time as This
The 12th Annual Greater Midwest Lectureship begins on Friday evening September 30 and seeks to apply the biblical teaching to some of the critical challenges and issues of today. There was a similar series of studies conducted in 1970 in Fort Worth Texas and it is obvious that the time has come to address these issues again – Thus the theme for the 2022 Lectureship is “For Such A Time As This”. A. V. Isbell, then President of Fort Worth…
Rejecting the Counsel of God
The first psalm describes the character of those who are blessed by God. “He does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly.” The implication of these words is that if one does walk in the counsel of the ungodly, he is cursed. The psalmist has in mind walking in the counsel of ungodly men and the blessedness of those who walk in the counsel of the godly men. Think of how this is magnified when we think of the…
The Deceptiveness of the Gradual
No one become overweight overnight. No one shows signs of aging within an hour’s time. A man does not suddenly become disenchanted with his wife. A good leader doesn’t go bad all in one day’s time. Consider the following examples: A) King Saul started with great potential: “There was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he” (1 Sam. 9:2). But visit Saul later in life and you will find him consulting witches and committing suicide! His…
The More We Know
Man has reached a marvelous age. We have been given time to explore this universe we inhabit and know more about it now than ever before. Has this surpassing knowledge diminished our appreciation of our world and its Creator? Consider… The heavens declared the glory of God to David (Ps. 19:1); they manifest the wisdom of God (Prov. 8:27). Now that we have set foot on the moon, orbited the earth, and landed rovers on Mars, are we any less…
A Morning Devotion
Let me share with you an experience I had just a few days ago. I have no idea what prompted it, but the lyrics of a song which I had not thought of for more than seventy years came back to me. They were written on my heart before I entered school, and for some reason, I remembered them. Where had I learned this song? In my memory I went back to the wooden frame building at West Huntsville, AL…
Not Many Mighty and Nobel Are Called – Why?
The words of Paul to the Corinthians reveal so much about the response to the gospel when the lost hear it. “For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called” (1 Cor. 1:26). Why is this true? All of mankind is invited to come to Jesus, but so many of the mighty and noble do not answer the invitation. Much can be learned by looking at those…
The Folly of Unbelief – Part 2
UNDERSTANDING TRUTH IS IMPORTANT “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1). To deny God on the basis of learning is foolish as the ignorant, unlearned say the same thing—“There is no God.” We can produce numerical evidence among the learned and the unlearned that God is; as well as those who claim God is not. Numbers prove nothing! Truth and knowledge prove God is. The fact is those who deny God’s existence are governed…
The Folly of Unbelief – Part 1
IT BEGINS IN YOUR HEART “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1; 53:1). This text emphasizes the importance of man’s relationship to God. Our relationship with God is allimportant. We are to love God with the totality of our being (Matthew 22:37). Man’s relationship with God is the vital matter of all matters as our eternity depends upon it. Consider the psalmist’s statement, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’”…