Posts by Needmore Road Church of Christ (Page 13)
Let Him Have His Way With You In 2022
The apprehension of a new year was captured by M. Louise Haskins in the following words spoken to the British Empire in the 1939 Christmas message of King George VI: “I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, ‘Give me a light, that I may tread safely into the unknown,’ and he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light…
Every Man Stood In His Place
As one studies God and His actions down through the centuries, it becomes obvious that He has given leadership a prominent place in all generations. Whether we consider a patriarch over a family, a national leader like Moses, special judges, kings, elders, evangelists or teachers, they have all been very important to His guidance of mankind; and be assured that leadership today is still of great importance. In Judges 7, we have an example of leadership in action. Space does…
Christmas is Coming
In just a few more days the big day that all the kids are looking for will be upon us. So pervasive is the influence of this holiday in our culture that Christians can hardly avoid being affected by it. To help us maintain our Christian perspective amidst all the clamor and pressures, we offer the following thoughts: Remember that Christ’s Mass is a religious holy day of human origin. See the article in the Americana Encyclopedia. Therefore, we cannot…
Our Need For The Best Leadership
The NEED FOR THE BEST LEADERSHIP in the world for the Lord’s church is pointed up by some of the facts we face in the world today. The scientific study of God’s world is increasing so rapidly we are told we double our scientific knowledge every fifteen years. That means we have 16 times as much scientific knowledge now as we had 60 years ago. We are told that 75 percent of all the scientists the world has ever had…
Thoughts As This Year Ends
We are just days away from the end of another year of our time together on this earth. It is a good time for reflections, and so I want to share with you some of the spiritual lessons the past twelve months have brought to me. I am not the same person I was when 2021 began. I have learned much this year. I have learned more about living close to God and becoming His friend. A few years ago…
A Lifetime Learner
Study is essential to building a positive life. King Ptolemy Lagua asked Euclid, “If there was not a shorter and easier way to the knowledge of geometry than he had laid down in his ‘Elements.” He answered, “There is no royal road to geometry.” I will add that neither is there a royal (i.e., easy) road to any study. Knowledge comes through study and hard work. Concerning study the Proverbs writer said, “The heart of the righteous studieth to answer…
Thanksgiving is Thanksliving
The following article appeared in the Lancaster church of Christ (Lancaster, CA) bulletin November 25, 1984. There was no name, but it is still thought provoking. (Richard) By now you have heard me express my protest to the commercialism of our times that has us, counting the days until Christmas, instead of counting our blessings day by day. Even though my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, it’s Thanksliving that’s important. True Thanksliving gives thanks even in the midst of trials, Daniel…
Do Not Lower the Sail
I am a long way from being an accomplished sailor, but the apostle Paul spent many days aboard ships throughout his life. He understood nautical terms and used one of them three times in the Bible. The Greek word is hupostello and refers to what happened whenever the captain of the ship sensed troubled waters ahead. It was used to describe what happened when he ordered his sailor to lower the sails to avoid what lay ahead. Paul used the…
Hope For The Future
It is impossible for us to imagine the emotional rollercoaster endured by young Daniel and his three friends. They had lived all of their lives in one of the most spiritual times in the history of the Jews. In the six decades before they were born, king Manasseh and king Amon, had brought idols into Solomon’s glorious temple. Yet Daniel grew up knowing only of the temple worship which Josiah had restored. For the two decades before they were taken…
The Church Leader – Discipleship
There is a seemingly innocent statement made in Hebrews 12:2 that should challenge every leader in the church to do some serious soul-searching. As the writer pictures the life of a Christian, he says as we are running our race he wants us to be “looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith …” Keeping one’s eyes on Jesus becomes extremely necessary and important especially to leaders in making right decisions, reacting to criticism, making future plans and…
Churches Without Elders, Still Have a Shepherd
We have often pointed out that there is a way of remembering the six words used to describe elders that can be easily remembered. Take the first letter of each of the six words and form a new word. Because an elder must have children, just remember this truth, “Elders must BE-POPS”. Those six words? B=bishops; E=elders; P=presbyters; O=overseers; P=pastors and S=shepherds. Each of these words emphasize an important aspect of what an elder must be and what he must…
Leaders Are To Serve
“For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps” (1 Peter 2:21). Jesus who was the greatest leader history has ever known or will ever know, has provided in His life the perfect example of “true leadership”. It was Jesus who used the teachable moment when asked by the mother of Zebedee’s sons to “Grant that these two sons of mine may sit on your right hand…