Be a Conformist!

Be a Conformist!

There are those who believe that if anything has become conventional or standard, it must be rejected in favor of the “original”. Evidently whatever is normal for the mainstream of society is put off, and pains are taken to express individuality in bold strokes that are sometimes shocking. Conformity and nonconformity are neither good nor bad inherently. What determines the acceptability of these terms is the standard either rejected or embraced. The apostle Paul said that we are not to be conformed to the pattern of this world, Romans 12:2. In this regard, nonconformity is desirable. However, for all the staunch, rebellious individualists out there, I would like to introduce a situation in which conformity is not only desirable, but imperative.

When we approach God, we need to conform to His standard, the Gospel, in two fashions. The first involves our mind. We all know people that are so set in their ways that a crowbar could not pry them loose. The mind becomes fixed in a certain mode of operation, a particular pattern of thinking, so that we are reluctant to change. We need to remember, however, that whatever our pattern for thought, our lives follow where our mind goes. Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in his heart (the Bible heart is the mind), so is he. What we think, we do. What shall we think and do? King Solomon stated, “There is away which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death,” Proverbs 14:12. The first challenge of conformity therefore becomes the act of changing our thinking to conform to God’s view of things. For example, some people think that any method of worship should be acceptable to God. Jesus stated in John 4:24, however, that God has a particular standard of worship in mind. We are to worship in spirit and in truth, referring to God’s truth, not man’s. Therefore, to worship in a fashion acceptable to God, we must begin by thinking like God with respect to worship. In Philippians 2:5, Paul said we are to think like Christ; in 1Corinthians 2:16,hestated that the apostles had the mind of Christ. In one of the clearest instructions, Romans 12:2, we are told not to conform to the pattern of this world. That is the thinking we must shed. Instead, we are told to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. How are they renewed? By learning to think as the Gospel teaches. When we can evaluate what is sinful and what is not, according to the Word, then we have conformed to God’s pattern of thinking. When we measure success in life in the same fashion as God, then we have conformed our thought patterns to those of the Gospel. This is the first step toward being acceptable before God. We learn His truth and then conform our thinking to it.

The second facet of conformity, and I believe the harder of the two, is to conform our lives to the truth which now shapes our thoughts. Paul points out that we had a manner of life in times past which fulfilled the desires of the flesh and of the mind, Ephesians 2:3. Although difficult, we must learn to curb the worldly habits and lifestyles we have cultivated over an extended period of time. It is easy to speak of averting our eyes and not lusting when tempted, but often the action itself is much harder to produce. The rich, young ruler, apparently long used to his possessions and wealth, understood Jesus’ instructions to sell all and distribute the proceeds to the poor. What he found difficult was conforming his actions to these commands, Matthew 19:16-22. When Paul speaks of conversion he likens it to dying to our former life, Romans 6:11-13. Jesus said that “dying” in favor of another’s interests was the highest form of love, John 15:13. As we change our thinking to conform to God’s truth, and then change our patterns of living to conform to that truth, then we have died to self and live for Christ, Galatians 2:20.

Today, learn to think as God thinks, then learn to live according to that thinking. Conform in lifestyle, worship, hatred of sin, defining success, and all other aspects of life. To conform to the principles of Christianity is to please our Father and live.


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