Droopy Eyes and Our Gospel Meeting

Droopy Eyes and Our Gospel Meeting

The apostles had a vision problem and did not realize it. I’m not sure if there is a name for it, but I would call it “droopy-itus.” This disease had been around for several years and was widespread among the Jews of the first century. As strange as it may seem it is often found among many Christians today.

John chapter four records the time when Jesus and the apostles were traveling from Judea, in the southern part of Palestine, to Galilee in the north. The shortest route was through Samaria but this was a long and difficult journey. Josephus said that it was a three day journey for most people. It was difficult because of hostility that had existed between the Samaritans and the Jews for more than 400 years.

As the Lord came near the well which Jacob dug near Sychar, the humanity of Jesus is shown in the words of John. “Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, sat thus by the well” (John 4:6). It was noon, and His disciples left Him there while they went into the city to buy food (4:8). While they were gone, Jesus met a Samaritan woman and, in violation of the culture, began talking to her (4:9). She knew that the Messiah was to come and when Jesus told her that He was the Messiah, she left her water pot, went into the city and told the men that it was possible that the Messiah was sitting at Jacob’s well. They then left the city to discover for themselves if the Son of God was in their midst.

In the meantime the disciples had returned and were amazed that Jesus was talking with the Samaritan woman. After she left, they encouraged Him to eat. His words say so much about the priority people have over material things. “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” He helped His disciples understand His words when He added, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.”

It is possible that at that precise moment the Samaritans were coming out of the city to see Him at Jacob’s well. How fitting were the words of Jesus, “Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest.”

The disciples had “droopy-itus.” They could not see the opportunities around them. There were souls all around them, lost souls, but they could not see them.

Is it possible that we have the same problem today? With our gospel meeting just one week away, we should heed His words, “Lift up your eyes.” Is it possible that there are souls all around us, but we cannot see them? Almost every person you meet is lost. Lift up your eyes and see them. In the next one week say what the woman said, “Come and see.”


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