The Folly of Unbelief – Part 2

The Folly of Unbelief – Part 2


“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1). To deny God on the basis of learning is foolish as the ignorant, unlearned say the same thing—“There is no God.” We can produce numerical evidence among the learned and the unlearned that God is; as well as those who claim God is not. Numbers prove nothing! Truth and knowledge prove God is. The fact is those who deny God’s existence are governed in life by something other than truth, knowledge, and understanding.

David’s statement, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1) was written nearly 3,000 years ago. Why did David write these words? In David’s time, there were people who said God does not exist, or David would not have made the statement. It is no different from what some say today. The field of science is one area that makes the so -called factual (?) claim, “There is no God.” The question of God’s existence is not a matter of science! Science can neither prove nor disprove the existence of God. The existence of God is revelatory [general and special revelation] and philosophical, not scientific.

The psalmist continues about the fool. “They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that does good, no, not one” (Psalm 14:3; 53:3). The psalmist states that which governs the fool to say, “There is no God” is they do and believe what they want to do and believe. It is the corruption of poor understanding and knowledge.

In listening to people claim, “There is no God,” we find their understanding is flawed. They base their conclusion on faulty evidence and then jump to their conclusion. Have you listened carefully to the questions of someone attempting to defend the erroneous and faulty position that “There is no God?” They say: “If there is a God, then why do we suffer? If there is a God, then why do we have natural disasters that take a toll on life— earthquakes, draught, floods, fires, tsunamis, etc.? If there is a God, then why do we have wars? If there is a God, then why do we die?” On and on they go, They jump to conclusions, they are prejudiced, their evidence is insufficient, their thinking is corrupt, and they are governed by ‘the lust of the eyes, and the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life’ (1 John 2:16). Improper and inadequate reasoning, alone or combined, results in every conclusion mentioned above and others as well.

The above objections to the existence of God will not stand against the eternal truth of the Bible (John 8:32; 17:17; Matthew 24:35). Their conclusions are faulty. Consider their objection, and it is one of their main objections, “If there is a God, then why do we suffer?” While there are a number of answers to this question, David said, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted . . . Before I was afflicted I went astray” (Psalm 119:71, 67). Have you ever considered the implications of the truth from these verses? You say, “I don’t like to suffer. I don’t want to suffer.” Neither did David. Neither do I. Life is not made of what I like, what I do not like, and what I want! Life is real!

Do we understand Jesus? There is only one way to explain Jesus and that is God (John 3:16; Romans 5:8; 1 Timothy 2:5-6). Jesus is Savior (Matthew 1:21). No man comes to God, but by Jesus (John 14:6). One must obey Jesus to find peace (Matthew 11:28-30). He does so by faith (Hebrews 11:6), repentance (Luke 13:3), confession (Acts 8:37), baptism (Romans 6:3-4), and faithfulness (Revelation 2:10). From every aspect, it is sheer folly to say, “There is no God.” GOD IS! ”



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