The Light of the World – Part 1

The Light of the World – Part 1

Jesus said to His disciples in Matthew 5:14-16: “Ye are the light of the world … Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” He did not say, “shine your light,” but let it shine. There is a difference. (See Matt. 6:1.) This was a great declaration made by the Lord himself.

The statement was addressed to lowly people, by the world’s standards. It should make all Christians feel highly complimented and challenged. The statement implies that the world is in spiritual darkness (1 John 5:19). The darkness is not dispelled by philosophy and science. The world was in darkness and depths of despair when Christ came into it. True light came into the world when Christ came (John 1:4). Christians are the only means of spreading the light to the world now. Please consider the following.

Some qualities of physical light.

1. The sunlight is powerful, but gentle. It is not noisy. Religion should be the same. The sunlight is pervasive, for the benefit of the high and the lowly, for the rich and the poor. Just so, the gospel is for the whole world and should be preached to every creature (Mark 16:15-16). One cannot box in the sunlight and keep it all to himself.

2. Sunlight is pure. It invades the darkness, dispels gloom, kills germs and is untainted. Christians can also contact sinners, and yet keep themselves pure. The Lord ate with publicans and sinners. He came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10).

3. Light makes itself known: no need to advertise it. Nobody ever saw a sign on a lighthouse, saying “I am a lighthouse.” A Christian does not need to go about wearing a sandwich sign advertising the fact. Beware of those who advertise themselves (Matt. 6:1-6; 23:5-7). Light is positive and can readily be seen. The Christian’s light will not go undetected, but their good works will testify of them.

4. Light awakens. It awakens nature. The birds begin to sing and the rooster crows, and many flowers unfold. Light reveals and enables one to see the beauties of the world. Ugliness and beauty are obscured by darkness. The proper life of a Christian reveals the beauty of the blessings of Christ.

Just as the sunlight, Christians are to shine.

The sunlight is natural and does not need to advertise itself, and is beneficial to all. The Christian should LET his light shine, not put on a show. When Stephen was martyred, his face shined (Acts 6:15). Even in face of beatings and threats Peter and other apostles felt compelled to preach and “Let their lights shine” (Acts 5:19-20).

1. Christians should spread their light willingly, sacrificially and purposefully. Candles and light bulbs use their energy until they burn out. Christians are also called upon to expend time and energy as they are able.

2. Christians are to shine openly, not hide their lights under a tub. The general run of the human race loves darkness rather than light. Did you ever see a brightly lighted beer tavern or saloon? Christians should not be ashamed to let their lights shine openly but should be glad to shine so as to influence others.

3. A Christian should be a light wherever he is. The sun illuminates the pig pen as well as the flower garden. In olden days each worshipper took a candle to worship. One candle did not give much light, but together they gave plenty of light for the worship service. Just so, the united efforts of the whole congregation can make a great difference in a community.


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