The Light of the World – Part 2

The Light of the World – Part 2

There are degrees of light. Long ago, the only light I had to hold gospel meetings was a pine knot (some city people do not know what that is; never saw one. It comes from a pine tree where the limb joins the trunk and is very rich. It burns like it was soaked with kerosene.) Then the gas jet was invented and gave more light. The electric light is still brighter, but nothing compares to the sun.

Then there is the “lightning bug grade”. It comes and goes, on again, off again. That is the way of some Christians. They do not shine steadily, even at worship. They are spasmodic, and do not make much light.

Some Christians say: “If I could shine like So and So I would do thus and so.” Then some say: “If I had a million dollars I would do thus and so.” If one does not use the dollar he had, he would not do any better with a million.

How is it that Christians are light? First, due to the fact that they sustain a relationship to Jesus Christ, who is the light of the world (John 1:4-9). Christ lives in the Christian and gives us the quality of spiritual light (Gal. 2:20). Christ makes us lights, and we are to walk as “children of light” (Eph. 5:8). The Philippians were to shine, as it were, as lights in the world (Phil. 2:15-16). Christians are to reflect the light of Christ. The moon reflects the light of the sun at night. In the morning the dew sparkles like myriads of diamonds as it reflects the sunlight. A lodestone magnet will draw the pile of pins on the table. A knife blade will not do so of itself. But rub the knife blade against the lodestone then it will draw the pins. One cannot get the fire into the poke, until he gets the poker into the fire, then it will glow. So, one must get into Christ before he can let his light shine. For one to claim to be an artist or a musician, he must do something to demonstrate it. For one to claim to be a Christian, he must likewise demonstrate it. Christians are to be a contrast between light and darkness (I Thess. 5:4-7).

Ways our light may be snuffed out. As long as the ship is in the ocean, all is well, when the ocean gets into the ship, there is danger. The church is in the world, but when the world gets into the church, that is tragedy. There are some places lamps or candles won’t shine, as in a draft or wind, and in caves where there is poison gas.

There are some places the Christian light won’t shine. How much good do you think it would do for a Christian to talk to someone about his soul while frequenting a beer parlor, or race track, or gambling den, dance hall and wild parties? What harm? someone asks. What good? The Christian is to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness (Eph. 5:11).

Christians are to let their lights shine individually and collectively. The church must take the gospel into all the world, and individuals make up the church. Are you doing your part?


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