Mountaintops and Valleys

Mountaintops and Valleys

Spiritual lives are not always characterized by “mountaintop experiences.” It was wonderful for Moses to be in the presence of God on Mount Sinai, but eventually he had to leave the mountain and return to the reality of dealing with the Jewish rebellion in worshiping the golden calf.

In the same way, Peter, James and John were at the Mount of Transfiguration and saw Moses, Elijah and the transformation of Jesus, but they eventually had to leave that mountain and confront their failure to cast out the demon in the child.

Elijah experienced this same problem in the contest he had with 450 prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. The fire from heaven totally consumed the prophet’s sacrifice and shortly afterwards there was the slaughter of all the false prophets. Yet, when Elijah descended from that mount, he was so overwhelmed with the sinfulness of Israel, he asked God to take him, for he thought he was the only person in Israel who faithfully served Jehovah.

“Mountaintop experiences” are so wonderful. There are those times when we see great spiritual victories and figuratively are on top of the world. You may remember in great detail that day when you obeyed the Gospel and how exhilarated you were. It may have been that day when some loved one of yours became a Christian. It may have been one of the unexpected times when you were worshiping, and you were so enthralled that you forgot about all those distractions from daily life. Thank God for “mountaintop experiences.”

However, the reality is that life always has deep “valleys” when we must leave the mountaintop. Life probably has more valleys than it has mountaintops. Situations develop and doubts and fears seem to threaten our faith. Do not despair. Look at those heroes who were in that same situation. Abraham (Gen. 15:1; 20:10-11), Isaac (Gen. 26:24), Moses (Num. 21:34), Joshua (Josh. 1:9; 8:1), David (1 Sam. 23:17), Elijah (2 Kgs. 1:15), Jehoshaphat (2 Chron. 20:15) and Daniel (Dan. 10:12) are just a few of those individuals who were fearful when in the valleys of life.

There is a great principle of life to be learned when we look deeply into the lives of our Biblical heroes. Godly people have always had clouds of adversity around them. Their response was often like ours, but this does not mean they were not approved by God. All mankind has valleys, but Christians have something others do not have. When we are walking in valley of death may our hearts proclaim, “I will fear not evil for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

Thank God for those “mountaintop experiences,” but let us thank God for the blessings of His help in the valleys!


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