Speaking Before You Know the Truth

Speaking Before You Know the Truth

One of the mistakes far too many make is forming opinions and often arriving at a final conclusion before we hear the complete story. Solomon said, “He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame to him” (Prov. 18:13). Also remember that in defense of Jesus, Nicodemus said, “Does our law judge a man before it hears him and knows what he is doing” (John 7:51).

Yet, many people arrive at conclusions simply because of what others are saying without ever investigating to know the whole story. Tragically, they then act on these ill‐founded conclusions and even become vocal advocates of these unstudied matters. Let me illustrate this by looking at two views of Jesus and why He was crucified.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter before we say anything

One View of the Jesus and His Crucifixion

I know the reason Jesus was crucified. He was a blasphemer and a vile man. He was so vile that not even a single one of our religious or political leaders thought He was right. He spoke like a terrorist and said He was going to tear down the temple and not leave one stone upon another of that sacred building. He spoke of holiness and presented Himself as a holy man, but all one has to do to see what He really was like is to look at who He spent His time with—publicans, harlots and the dropouts of our world. He chose twelve men who were ignorant and unlearned laborers and some of them were Zealots (who carried knives to secretly kill the Romans) and others who collected taxes to fund the immorality of the Caesars.

He taught that one should cut off their hands and pluck out their eyes. He told everyone to sell everything they had and give it away. No one could really know what He believed because He told weird stories about sowing seed, cooking bread, building houses on sand, rich men in a burning fire, sheep and goats, and told of sins our holy God will not forgive. If you want to know what he really was like, look at how He died—crucified with convicted criminals, begging Elijah to come and take Him off the cross and sanctimoniously asking God to forgive those killing him. He was buried in a rich man’s tomb, but His disciples came by night and stole His body. He was a fraud and everyone I know thinks this.

The Other View of Jesus and His Crucifixion

Read Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Then, form your own conclusions. Hear the whole matter before you speak. Now, apply this principle to the rest of your life and what you say about any matter, especially what you say about others. Hearing only one side is why the multitude crucified the Son of God. Think about it!


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