Stay Grounded

Stay Grounded

One of life’s most difficult challenges, is dealing with difficult challenges. How do we cope with tragedy, cancer, war, or dozens of other issues we encounter in life? The painful reality is that many of life’s challenges are simply beyond our control. Neither you nor I have any bearing on the ultimate outcome of the war in Ukraine. We cannot dictate economic policy in Washington, and we cannot prevent a fatality accident caused by a drunk driver. As much as we would like to bring the events of this world under our discretion, we cannot. Thus, the definitive question for us is how to cope with things which we cannot control but still affect us to varying degrees.

Counselors often employ what is called a grounding technique. The idea is to bring a person to the “here and now.” Often our anxieties are fueled by concerns over the future or regrets about the past. We fret over unrealistic monsters of our own making. So, we must find a way to focus on what is real and present. We must concentrate on the known instead of worrying over the unknown. This is what a grounding technique is designed to accomplish.

Interestingly, this technique is found throughout the Bible. Consider, for example, Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God…” The Assyrian army had encircled Jerusalem and closed the people like a caged bird. Jerusalem was outnumbered, outmatched, and their resources scarce. During this great challenge Hezekiah appealed to God and He delivered them.

Psalm 46 commemorates this event. How do we cope with trying events in life? We focus on what we know and Who we know–the God of heaven and earth. He sits on the throne. He rules; He controls; and nothing escapes His sight. Our faith is grounded in Him, and so we must trust Him to carry us through the difficult times. Be still and know that He is God!


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