Safely Treading the Unknown of The New Year – 4

Safely Treading the Unknown of The New Year – 4

In contrast to the two great uncertainties that should humble us (i.e. the uncertainty of material prosperity and physical health), James provides a powerful principle to guide us as we seek to safely tread into the unknown of the new year. This powerful principle is the principle of submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Instead of arrogantly boasting concerning that of which we cannot be certain (i.e. material prosperity and/or physical health), James wrote, “Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that” (James 4:15, emp. added). James says we should submit to the Lordship of Jesus as we face the unknown and the uncertainty connected to life on Earth.

What does this mean? What are the practical results of facing the uncertainties of a new year while in submission to the Lordship of Christ? First, it means we graciously receive what He gives. He gives blessing, prosperity, and health. One who truly lives life under the Lordship of Jesus is conscious of the real Source of blessings. James wrote, “Every good gift . . . is from above. . .” (James 1:17). Facing the new year in submission to His Lordship also means that one will graciously lack what He withholds. If it is the case that He withholds prosperity and/or health then one’s attitude is that he will “be content with such things as [he] has” since He has said, “I will never leave you [without support] nor forsake you [desert you in distress]” (Heb. 13:5).

Living in submission to the Lordship of Jesus also means one will relinquish what He allows to be taken. Even though one might suffer the loss of persons or things very precious, submission to His Lordship means a continuing commitment to Him in spite of those losses. Job said it best when he declared, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. . .” (Job 13:15). Furthermore, this principle means one will suffer what He allows to be inflicted. Peter wrote, “…[W]hen you do good and suffer . . . if you take it patiently this is commendable before God” (1 Peter 2:20), and “therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:6). Finally, living under the Lordship of Christ means one aims to be what He requires. Paul wrote, “Therefore we make it our aim … to be well pleasing to Him” (2 Cor. 5:9). Jesus, Himself, said He came “not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me” (John 6:38). It was written of Him prophetically that He came to do “Your will, 0 God” (Heb. 10:7; cf. Ps. 40:7-8).

The most important question in 2023 is not, “How much money will we make? What will be our economic situation? Will we keep our physical health? Will we die?” The most important question for the one who lives with Jesus as Lord is – “What will my Lord have me do?” (cf. Acts 9:6; James 4:17). We will tread safely into the unknown of the new year if we put our hand into the hand of God, walk by faith with Him, and with a deep resolve – “The will of the Lord be done” (Acts 21:14).


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