The Deceptiveness of the Gradual

The Deceptiveness of the Gradual

No one become overweight overnight. No one shows signs of aging within an hour’s time. A man does not suddenly become disenchanted with his wife. A good leader doesn’t go bad all in one day’s time.

Consider the following examples:

A) King Saul started with great potential: “There was not among the children of Israel a goodlier person than he” (1 Sam. 9:2). But visit Saul later in life and you will find him consulting witches and committing suicide! His downfall was not sudden; he was a victim of the deceptiveness of the gradual.

B) It must have been shocking for the church at Ephesus to hear they had left their “first love” (Rev. 2:4). They started out well; they accomplished many good works, but over time the fire died in their hearts.

C) When Samson was confronted by Philistines he boasted, “I’ll go out as at any other time. I’ve taken care of these fellows before!” But he did not know that the Lord had left him (Jd. 16:20).

The deceptiveness of the gradual fools Christians and churches all the time. Try and warn them and they will say, “What doom? What danger? Nothing has changed. We are the same as we always were.” Years of doing “spiritual business as usual” can sap saints of their fervor and zeal.

You don’t have to be a casualty in Satan’s ploy of gradual unfaithfulness. Here’s how to avoid the deception:

Pray daily. Don’t let it become routine. Pray as if you believe your prayers are reaching the very throne of God! (1 Jn. 5:14-15).

Spend time with God’s Word on a daily basis. This is where the direction and inspiration for your life is found.

Take stock of your motivation. Why do you go to church? Why do you worship? Why are you a Christian? Why do you teach Bible classes? Why do you contribute to the Lord’s work? Are you doing these things to be seen of men, or because you love God? (2 Cor. 5:14).

The Ephesians needed to reverse course and get back to their “first love.” What about you? Have you fallen to the deceptiveness of the gradual?


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